Thursday, June 07, 2018

Celebrating Benjamin turning 9 years old!

This is Yuna Lee!
Isn't she precious?  She is my grandniece! 
Yuna came with her brother, Remy, and her parents to help celebrate.
Remy and Yuna got to Lindsey's before the party.  I was so glad to have time with them before others arrived.  Remy was having a blast.  He and William started playing baseball.  
Remy told William at one point that he (William) wasn't playing baseball right.
He told him he wasn't suppose to throw the ball so fast.
I had to explain to Remy that William was actually playing correctly and then I explained to William how Remy is only 4!  He definitely does NOT look like a 4 year old!

Remy told William "I'm not playing with you anymore!"
William said, Okay.
Ummm, that was not the response Remy was expecting.  He stood there for a minute, I imagine stewing on that answer....then they went back to the game...and all was well!

Well, all was well until Baxter decided he also wanted to play baseball!

Sullivan was loving the outdoors...and the removal of  his helmet!
It was pretty warm outside...mid 80's...and his helmet was a bit warm.
Baxter thought it was a bit warm, too.

When William came to see if the hot dogs were ready (they weren't), I got a picture of these two baseball players.  William is not small for his age...and he's 2 years older than Remy.  
Remy is just a big boy!
William started doing the floss.  Remy was curious what it was so William showed him how to do it.  Enjoy this dance!
After the dance, William ran in and got some 'real floss'!

I just love this family...and was so happy to see them.
Soo is a sweetheart...

Addison...I tell him I'm his favorite aunt in California...
but he's my favorite nephew in the world!
It's so sweet seeing him with his daughter!

Yuna is just starting to walk!  
Now it was time for the party!
Donnie had put up some canopies to block the sun.
This was a very small party for them.
Lindsey invited a different group of friends, mostly ones connected to baseball.


Yuna and Soo

One of Claudia's sons is one of Benjamin's closest friends.
The grandpas were manning the grill.
William was ready for his hot dog.  He had his bun ready!
Neighbor extraordinaire...Betty!  AKA Oma!
Neighbor extraordinaire...Jean Marie...AKA Opa!
With Sullivan

Grandpa, William, Papa
the back view
and the front view...

The baseball game was in full swing.

The birthday boy...AKA Benjamin...
was into a game of catch.

Sullivan fell sound asleep in his Opa's arms!

 Grandpa Don
 Sweet mama Lindsey


 Grandma Susan
 Soo and Baxter

 Isn't she adorable?

 I love these parties.
It's low playing and adults hanging around visiting.
A barbeque, salads, and of course, birthday cupcakes!

 William plays so hard!  This picture doesn't really show how red his face was!

 We were getting ready to sing 'Happy Birthday' to our newest 9 year old!
It was impossible to get all the candles lit.
 Out came the cupcakes.
One little guy asked first if they were homemade.
Once he found out they were, he took one.

 Lindsey's boys LOVE fruit...
She made a strawberry frosting...
and her boys didn't like it!  

 Remy sure liked the frosting,
as did almost all the other kids.

 Isn't this a sweet picture?


 Addison and Remy
 Yuna decided to eat some dirt...
but her mama had other ideas!

 My sweet baby!

 Susan (Grandma) and Sullivan

 My sweet nephew and family!

I think a great time was had by everyone!  I know we sure enjoyed the day.
We took off before the party ended to head home.  

Happy Birthday again, Benjamin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's wonderful!