Friday, March 30, 2018

Stan Musial, Jack Nicklaus, and my Dad

My dad...
He was a sportswriter for the Dallas Morning News and he loved his family, dogs, golf, and baseball...probably in that order.
I have this picture of my parents with me ...and our St. Bernard, Andy.  It's framed and has hung in my home for years.  I had the story behind Andy wrong...and just discovered it last week.

Andy's true name, which I knew, was Cardinal Musial of Manitou.
but the rest, I had wrong.
My dad actually bought Andy from the Manitoba kennel in Saskatchewan, Canada and had him crated and brought to him in Texas by train.
He named him Cardinal Musial of Manitou after one of his heroes...
Stan Musial of the St. Louis Cardinals...his favorite team..and favorite player.

This article ran in the Dallas Morning News...this is 1954!
I thought Stan had given the dog to my dad...but when I found this article, I learned the real story.  I called Mom and told her I had had the story incorrect...and before I could tell her what I had thought all these years, she went into the real story...the one this article tells.  She remembered every little detail.  I know it must have been a highlight for my dad!

This article was about Andy.
Jack Nicklaus was another hero of my dad.  
My dad could spend hours out in the front yard swinging his golf clubs.
He absolutely loved the game.

After Ron and I were married and living in Oregon, I got this envelope in the mail from my dad.
He had enclosed the following article.  I love it for a lot of reasons, but I especially love how it captures a part of his goodness...
Dad was in the sports department for years...and then he went to special sections and wrote a lot about cars...I assume that's when he was given this?  
(You can see where I pieced in together...when I scanned it, it was too large for my scanner.)

June 13, 1980, we lost my dad.
This column by John Anders ran shortly afterwards...and it's one we all have loved.
My dad... what an amazing man he was.
He got to see my boys...
He would be so proud of all his grandkids and great grandkids.
He'd also be crazy about our newest family member, Baxter!

It's been nearly 38 years...and he is still incredibly missed.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

A fun Sunday!

 We left early Sunday and headed to Gabe's.
When we got there, Emerson asked if I wanted to go do the football cards.
 Emerson amazes me!
He knows so many stats...on the players...on the teams...
He can quickly turn the pages of  his album that holds his cards and point out a player and tell me all about them.  
 Lucky for me, he had some 'duplicates' and so he sent me home with a pile of cards.  He told me he knew I'd really enjoy looking through the cards.  He told me I could sort them by position or by teams.  
 My Emerson King!
 Here are some of the cards he gave me!
 He had some piles of cards in these shelves.
 Baxter was sprinting through the room...
Emerson and I both thought this picture was pretty cool.
 Walt came up to join us.
Hi Walt!
Look at those eyes!  Oh my!

 Sometimes he bothers Emerson when he's working with his cards,
but not today.

 Emerson invited him up to sit by him while we worked with the cards.
 Then the faces started!
Oh Emerson, you make me laugh!

Sometimes, Walt will join in and make faces like Emerson...but not today.
He seemed mesmerized by something...
he was just being sweet, calm, Walt!

I love my Johnston boys!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Fun with Sullivan!

Lindsey was playing with Sullivan and I heard that deep laugh...
I just love his laugh!

 This is hilarious!  Sullivan loves to ... think it's called blowing strawberries?   
 Yep, you're a cutie!

 Now what we're the older two doing???

I asked them to take a quick look up!

This was a fun, but quick, weekend!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

We all went on a walk!

 Baxter needed some exercise...
so I decided to take him for a walk.
Lindsey said she'd like to go...then Sullivan woke up so she decided to bring him.
Somehow the boys ended up going so Ron decided to go...and then Donnie joined in!
 It became a family affair!
 Spring is just around the corner...
here is some of the evidence!
 I thought it was a bit cool outside, but William seemed perfectly comfortable the way he was dressed.

 Off we went...
Papa was checking on our youngest grandson!
 Baxter was having a grand time with William!

 I love doing things like this!

 Ahhhh!  A nice group shot!

 Now look at this:
hands in pockets and on the same step!

 Sullivan decided to wake up.

 Again, note the hands in pockets!
They're not in lock-step, but ...
 OK, here they go...
hands in pockets and in step with each other.

 I'm not sure what Benjamin was telling his mom, but he was oblivious to my and the camera.

 Here we go again..
in unison!

 Sullivan was enjoying the outdoors!
 'Stop and smell the roses,'....I did!

 We headed down a trail around the gazebo where they often walk.  

 It was Benjamin's turn to take the reins of Baxter.

 I love this picture of William!!!

 Yep, it was a great time just out for a walk with family!