Wednesday, May 04, 2016

April 16th T-Ball game

 I left Lindsey's at 10 a.m., supposedly in time to get to Emerson's T-Ball game by 12:30.
Think again!
I got to his game a little after 1 p.m.
Traffic...lots and lots of traffic!
Drove me nuts!
My little slugger was up to bat not long after I got there.  I had missed his first at-bat and his first hit.

 On first base...
he looks like a pro!

 Emerson's definitely got the look with the sunglasses!

 New inning...and he's playing the position of pitcher.
Notice who is running the pitching machine?
 Yep, Gabe is the coach!

 Walt was sitting up playing when I got there...he wasn't sitting long after that because his Mimi HAD to hold him.  After awhile, he got a little cranky...just a little.  Emily said if I put him in his stroller and just walked around a little, he'd probably fall asleep.
He did...and it was almost instantaneous!

 Ooops...that wasn't a very long nap...maybe 45 minutes or so.
The game was over and Walt wanted to congratulate his brother.  
(I think)

 The snack bar was calling Emerson's name...
all he wanted were some chips.

Once again, it was a short visit...I'd been gone and needed/wanted to get home and get the house warm and have a day (Sunday) to relax before I started a new week of school.

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