Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Lair o' the Bear (November 28th)

 Lair o' the Bear Park is out of the town of Idledale.  

 Even though it hadn't snowed in awhile, there was still a lot of ice and snow on the trails.

 There were lots of trails...
 We took the Bruin Bluff trail and took other trails as well.

 It was a bit cool...well, of course it was if there was still ice and snow on the trails,
but it was perfect weather for hiking!

 It was so pretty the way the snow/ice hugged the sides of the creek.

 We saw this great tree with all these low branches.
I told Ron it'd be a great place to take pictures of all the grandkids..
There are lots of picnic tables throughout the park, and there just happened to be one fairly close to this tree.
I set my camera on the table, set it to a timed picture, and tried to run to the tree before it took the picture.  You can see, only once did I make it...and barely! 

 We were almost back to the parking lot...

I didn't take a picture, but as we came back upon the parking lot, we could see the trunk of our car was wide open. purse was in there, plus I can't remember what else.

There were probably 20 cars in the parking lot...and there in the trunk was my purse and everything that had been in it.  
Whew!  That was a relief!  We guessed we just didn't close it good when we took off?  
That would have put a damper on an otherwise great day...but instead, it was a great ending to a great day!

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