Joshua is on vacation. Now, I'm not sure his idea of 'vacation' is the same idea as my definition. Ever since he's known he was coming, he would call and say, "Tell Pops to be making a list!"

His Pops didn't disappoint him.

I think they prioritized the list...

First on the agenda was to clean the compressors on the appliances. Joshua was quick. When I realized what was going on, I ran to get my camera. Rats! Joshua was finished. I asked him to get back behind the refrigerator so I could take a picture, but he refused. He said, "Tight squeeze, Jutze!" So he decided to give me a pseudo-action shot.

I left for a while to go to a wedding shower for my buddy Pamela's son, Zach's future bride to be, Karin. Did you get that? I wasn't sure how to write it. But basically, Karin will be Zach's wife and Zach is my buddy Pamela's very, very, very, very nice looking son! Anyway, when I got back, Joshua and my guy had taken some split firewood over to Marvin. So... my buddy, EasyCone, (aka Laner) took our picture.

Splitting and stacking the MOUNDS of wood my guy has been collecting on the driveway was the main event of the day...actually it's been 3 days now... Saturday, Sunday, and here it is Monday.

Whoa! Look at that form on my baby boy! By the way, he thought we should all take note of the POWER in his splitting. Notice how the wood is in the air? Power, pure manpower by Joshua!

You may be wondering where all this wood is going?

In the wheelbarrow...

and into this shed...

I wonder how many wheelbarrows full of wood they hauled?

They stacked and stacked until the woodshed was full...

Look at my baby boy! He's exhausted...his Pops was exhausted...
Today when I came home from school, there was Joshua, on vacation, helping his Pop lay weedmat so they could put rock on top...and make another row of wood in the woodshed!

I think this is what you might call a 'working vacation'!
Joshua... he's always...always...been a worker... likes to be busy...likes to be doing projects!
His Mom and Pops can't even begin to tell him how much they appreciate HIM!
Nice work Grute! I was just thinking it would be great fun for me to cut all that firewood, but alas, there is no wood for me to cut so I guess I'll just skip to putting my feet up. Also, nice lookin shirt there Snoop, way to represent!
Josh, I need to schedule you to come to Texas! You and your dad worked hard. I noticed the heating pad on the chair! Sounds like you are having a very nice relaxed vacation.
Love ya,
Never fear, dear youngest boy! Not wanting to disappoint you, two hours after your elder, powerful brother finished ALL the wood, he and the Snoop took off and got a load of madrone (that's wood!) ... just for you!
Joshua says to tell you your Pops is preparing for the winter of 2012 with all the wood he's getting!
Doesn't sound like my idea of a nice vacation! But, I guess you're enjoying it. And I know the 'rents appreciate it. I sure would if you ever came over and worked with Donnie on some projects--hint hint.
Gabe did you notice the other shirt he was wearing??? Cuesta soccer!
Joshua, you're such a hard worker and do such a good job. Need you in Texas. Love yu, Saddie
I thought Cuesta Soccer was the shirt he used to scoop poop!
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