Tuesday, November 09, 2010


My sweet daughter has taught me a lot about healthy eating...
Kefir is the newest... I've been drinking it awhile...but only have been growing my own Kefir grains for a couple of months or so.
Kefir has been compared, in some of the literature I've read, to 'liquid yogurt'.... full of pro-biotics...really good for you.

These are the grains...which are in a glass dish. I put about 1.5 - 2 cups of milk in the bowl with them every morning...and then the next morning, I separate the grains from the milk...pour the kefir into a jar or right into the blender...and add more milk to the grains and start all over again.
This was...think it was banana/peach kefir smoothie...YUM....
This is how much I used to drink a day...now it's about double that.

Let me know if you want any Kefir grains of your own...they multiply....and I'm about ready to separate them!


Anonymous said...

I think I want some Judy Len. Did you split them yet????

Judy said...

hey laner, no, I haven't split them...but they need to be. You're welcome to some!