Monday, May 14, 2018

May 13, 2018

Happy Birthday, Emerson King!

In May, 2017, we celebrated your 8th birthday.
Would anyone be surprised that it had a sports theme?
On May 11th, you fractured your wrist...
playing basketball at school!
It didn't slow you down, though.
You came up to visit...and played hard...
croquet, corn hole...
Your cast was off by this time, and you only had the brace...which sometimes you took off.

July was a great month!  You came up with Walt and your mom for 9 or 10 days!  I LOVED it!  Unfortunately, your dad was at home fixing a water leak...which is why you came.  I hated the reason, but loved that you were here.  We went to the zoo and saw the red panda, your favorite animal.  You learned to ride a bike...and we just had fun!

August was another fun month!
You got another cousin, Sullivan.
We all gathered together so you could meet him.  Baseball was played in the backyard and pictures were taken.
Later in the month, I brought Benjamin and William to your house and ya'll played video games and went swimming.

September was also a fun month!
I love to watch you play baseball...and I got to see 2 games!  We played with your baseball cards...building our teams.
Walt turned 2 years old, so we had a party for him at the park after one of your games.  Your present to him was the vest, hat, and other gear for a construction worker!

Terrible fires burned in Santa Rosa in October.
You were out of school for 3 weeks!  The air was so bad, but fortunately for me, your family come up to our house to get away from the bad air.
Later in October, we met down at Benjamin and William's for a celebration.
Papa and I were excited to get a picture with all 5 of our grandsons!

You had planned to come up in November for Thanksgiving...
but unfortunately, Walt got sick so ya'll didn't come.
Fortunately, Uncle Joshua came to visit the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.  That following weekend, you came up to see him!  You and Walt stayed an extra day and then I took you half way home, meeting your mom and dad in Laytonville.

In January, I tried to get a picture of you in your baseball uniform...
'tried' is the key word...
you wouldn't let me take your picture.  RATS!

In February, I got to see you play basketball for the first time!  That was sure fun!  We also made sports cards...That's what the picture of me is for...we made cards for all your family, including Gigi!
I kept Walt for a couple of days while your parents went on a mini-vacation.  You went to spend those couple of days with a buddy.

In March, we played with your football cards, sorting them and making teams.
You gave me some of your duplicates to have at my house!
There was some face-making time, too!

Now here it is, May!
May 1st, I got to see a baseball game.  Papa was in Colorado for a few days so I was staying at Aunt Lindsey's with Baxter.  The day before Papa flew home, Baxter and I came up to watch your game.

These last 13 pictures were this past weekend...your birthday weekend!
I loved watching you in another baseball game.  You played the 1st place team...and beat them!  We had our In n Out burger time, too!
This year, your birthday fell on Mother's Day.
It was a special day, for sure!

Now here you go...into your 9th year!
I love you, Emerson King!
Happy birthday, again!

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