Tuesday, September 11, 2018

"A Man's Best Friend"

I am still in awe, over a year after getting him, how much we love this little guy.
 Every single day, Baxter makes us laugh...makes us smile...more than we could have ever imagined.  I don't know if all dogs have such personality, but Baxter definitely is personality-plus!
 He's incredibly smart, extremely playful, very affectionate, and a comic!
He loves to GO!
Riding in the car...and especially Ron's truck...is a love of his.
Ron's truck is probably his favorite, because being in the truck usually means he's going to the woods!  Ron says he just almost starts crying with excitement when he realizes where they are.

I more realize where the expression that a dog is a man's best friend comes from.
His official name, Abiqua Pajtas, literally means 'buddy', 'pal', 'sidekick' in Hungarian.
Yep, his name fits him to a T.

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