Thursday, August 22, 2019

August 3rd with Lindsey, Donnie and the boys!

 I was so excited to see my boys!
I had spent the previous week with my girlfriends in Oregon...Ron was working...
he stayed to work...and I headed to see Lindsey and Co.!
Benjamin is going to be in 5th grade this year!
 William will be in 2nd grade!
And Sullivan was about to turn 2 years old!
 Now, these 2 photos may look like trash or recycling.
Nope, not at the hands of Benjamin and William.
They take things like this and create.
 This robot even has a jet pack on his back.  (empty Trader Joe's dish soap)
Both the boys have made robots.
They've both made jets, too.  There are definite differences, which were explained to me in detail.
I was totally impressed!  I asked them how they ever thought to do all this, and they said they thought about it when they were bored!
 William and Sullivan are the outdoor guys...
 William was having fun rolling around...

 Sullivan was having fun scooting and crawling around!

 This guy is happiest when he's active...running around, jumping around, playing ball, kicking the soccer ball, just running around!

I can't remember why this table was in front of the goal, but William was going for a ball!

A fun day with my boys!

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