Sunday, August 18, 2019

Happy 2nd Birthday, Sullivan!

August 7, 2018, we celebrated Sullivan turning 1 year old!  His actual birthday is August 12, but I wasn't going to be there that day, so we celebrated a little earlier.

September, 2018
 We were together at the end of September to celebrate Walt turning 3 years old.

December, 2018
 In December, you came to visit us in Colorado!  We went hiking on December 30th with Uncle Joshua, Brenda and her 3 kids.

Your sweet family!

Your Saddie was so excited to finally meet you!  

January, 2019
 We celebrated Christmas on January 1st!  
You were having fun with your new ball...and Uncle Josh!
Uncle Joshua and  William were helping you open some of your gifts!

 I loved this!
 You went to the train museum with your family and Papa.
I think you were a bit more excited than Benjamin!
 You had a wild head of hair...
 Look at your face as your mom was feeding you!
 Your dad carried you while we went to Dinosaur Ridge.
 You were having a fun time with Saddie...and Mimi's phone.
 I think your mama was letting you watch videos.

 This was the night before you flew home.  We wanted to get some pictures with your Saddie.
 Later that night, you and I played with your new ball.
Can you tell how much fun you were having?

March, 2019
 I came to see you in March!  Look at your new haircut!
 Your mama was making cupcakes for William's party at the park.  He had turned 7 years old on February 28th, but because of rain, his party was delayed.  

 You definitely love playing with balls!

 You met a new friend at the park...
 Your mama had shoes on you, but you wanted to go barefoot!
Benjamin was holding you while we took a group picture at William's party.
 You are a ham!
You know when your Mimi is taking your picture...

 and you start making me laugh!

 Your daddy loves to jump on the trampoline with his boys!
 On a different day while you were in your high chair
 you started hamming it up for your Mimi!

 You kept your eye on the camera even while your mom was feeding you!

 You LOVE to be outside!
You also love Baxter!
 I was getting ready to drive off, heading back to Colorado, but I wanted to get a few more pictures of our little man!  (That's you!)
I love this and your sweet mama!

April, 2019
 Papa came to visit in April.
He went to church with you on Easter Sunday!

May, 2019
 The middle of May, we came back to California. 
 You love Baxter's're in and out of it!

 Your brother, William, gets in the bed to play with you!
You're learning Spanish along with your brothers!  You climbed up to listen as William read (in Spanish) to your mom.

Look at you in this pink, surfboard shirt!  Your Mimi loves this on you!
 Like I've said before on this blog, you LOVE the outdoors!  Your daddy was telling you all about the fruits you have growing in your yard.

 Back in May, you would sit in the doorway and watch what was going on outside.  Now, (in August), when the door is open, out you go!

Baxter's bed is a great place to eat an apple!
May 26th was the day we celebrated Benjamin turning 10 years old!  His birthday is actually the 30th, but this was the day for the party!
  You slept through a lot of the party, but you enjoyed parts of it!
My adorable Sullivan!

August, 2019
 You are happy when you're outside!
It's so funny...whenever the front or back door opens, you make a bee-line to get out.
If the door shuts, you fall apart, crying...
You do NOT want to be left behind!
 Even at 2 years old, Baxter's bed is still a fun place to hang out!

 You are precious, Sullivan!

 Another "favorite" picture of mine!
Your daddy is an engineer.  He's very mechanical...and you 3 boys are following in his footsteps.
 Not too long ago, I was talking to Lindsey on the phone and she told me they had bought new phones and Benjamin and installed them!  Well, you, Sullivan, are learning about all this technical stuff, too.  Out in the garage, Donnie was explaining something to William.  Well, hello, Sullivan scooted right up to listen and figure things out.
I don't remember what 'It' was that Donnie was explaining, but you,  Sullivan, were totally interested in it, too!

 You love to go on walks!  Your Mimi and your mom also love to go on guess what we did?
 Yep, we all went on a walk, including Baxter, who also loves to go on walks!
 Your daddy...
he loves his boys...
and loves to jump on the trampoline with all of you.
 You love it, too!

 My precious little men!
Baxter is OK to share his bed with you...but sometimes, he just wants to join you!
Uncle Gabe, Aunt Emily, Emerson, and Walt were down for the weekend for Emerson's baseball tournament.  We all had a BBQ at your house. Your mama also made a delicious peach cobbler and they sang happy birthday to you..and to me!  Our birthdays are 2 days apart.
THIS was what I wanted...a picture with your Papa and I with our 5 grandsons!  You're #5, Sullivan!

You've grown so much this year!  It's been fun to watch you develop and see your personality watch your brothers with you... What a sweetheart you are!
Your Mimi and Papa love you so much..and we wish you a very

1 comment:

Donnie said...

Thanks Mom, love all the pictures!