Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Happy 4th Birthday, Walter!

 September 23, 2018 was the day we celebrated you turning 3 years old.
 Paw Patrol was the theme of your party.
Your mama decorated the house...and we had a BBQ outside.

I could hardly believe you were already 3 years old!
 You came up to see us at the end of October.
We went to the park to play while Emerson and your Dad watched a baseball game.
 We took lots of pictures...
 Mimi and Papa were getting ready to move to Colorado
and we wanted pictures of you and our home.

 I hope you keep fun memories of this, Walt.  
We had been cleaning out the attic and found all your dad's trophies.  Look how happy you are to have some of them!
 I came to visit in March.  We had so much fun!
You stayed home from preschool so we could play.  You rode your tractor...

 I think the tractor had a little problem, but you worked on it and got it all fixed!
 We played some basketball...

 and you showed me how you could dribble sitting down!
 You also rode your bike for awhile.
 After the bike, you rode your tricycle.
 The tricycle went away when the garbage man came by.
 Next you blew bubbles awhile.
Guess where we went after Emerson got out of school?

Yep, we headed to In n Out Burger!
 Emerson had baseball practice, so we went to watch.
Actually, you were excited to play on the playground next to the field.
 First, you wanted to help cart all the gear to the field.
 You also wanted to show me how you looked in the batting helmet.

 The morning I was leaving, after you ate breakfast, I wanted to get some pictures of you and your dad.  Emerson and your mama had already gone to school.  You were getting ready to go to preschool and your dad was going to work.

What a fun time I had with you!
 I came back to see you in May.  Emerson had a baseball game and you had fun playing with his friends!  Your brother's friends are so good to you.
 Nature called...

 As soon as you finished your business, you came running back.

 On the night of Open House, off we went to see your mama's classroom
and also to see Emerson's.  It won't be long before you're in that school!

This picture makes me and your daddy on your screens!
Later in May, Papa came down and we went for a walk after a break in the rain.
 Look at all your cute faces you made after you put on your fireman's raincoat!

 On our walk, you started playing a game.  You would run ahead and touch this picture, a tree, and  proclaim, "I WON!"

 Uh-oh...This didn't go over too well.
Emerson decided to play your game.  He ran ahead and touched … I think a mailbox … and proclaimed, "I WON!"
Well, you weren't happy about that at all!
When we got back to your house, you touched the mailbox first.
I guess you won!
Papa and I loved our walk together.
 The following weekend was a celebration of Benjamin turning 10 years old.  
You came down for the party.

 Aunt Lindsey had ordered a jump house.
You had so much fun playing on this.  Some parents thought you would be scared on it because there were so many older kids jumping. fear in Walter!

 You got your dad to swing you.
 You played a little basketball.

 I do believe you enjoyed the brownie with whip cream!

 Then it was time for some jumping on the trampoline..which included wrestling with Emerson.

 Before you left to go home, we had been measuring Benjamin and Emerson's height. Well, you wanted to measure yourself next to Benjamin, too!  I think he's a little bit taller.
 Benjamin had bought you a gift for Christmas...but we didn't see you.  
Benjamin remembered, and gave them to you. 
Here's what I really wanted...a picture with my grandsons.  Sullivan had fallen asleep, so he wasn't in the picture.  I was happy to at least have the 4 of you.
August 10th, you came to Aunt Lindsey's before 8 a.m.  Emerson had spent the night
since he had an early baseball game.  The game didn't start till around 9, so you made a beeline to the trampoline before 8 a.m.!

 We had a weekend of baseball!
You played a lot..watched a little...and wanted to help when the game was over!
 You asked William to play with you on the playground next to the field...
and he did!

 Back at Aunt Lindsey's after Saturday's games, you played outside...
andPapa and I got a picture with ALL our boys...including Baxter!

 Sunday, August 11, was more baseball games!  In a break between games, you came back with us to Aunt Lindsey's.  I went out to check on you and William...and this is what I saw.  William trying to hoist you up on the shed!
 You're my 'two W's'... and look at you both!
Y'all were up on the shed flying a remote control airplane.
 I think you were having a great time!

 We went to watch another game and it was HOT!
You found shade to sit in to watch the game.
 When the game was over and the coaches, including your dad, were talking to the team, you went out to join them.
 Guess where we went after the game...just you, Emerson and me?

 I came home with you.  We took a bike/scooter/walk to the school.
 Look how fast you're going!

 You played on some of the equipment...
 We had so much fun!
 August 12, 2019, was your first day of the session of preschool.  You told your dad that you wanted to ride your bike to school.

 Of course, we did!
We all went to take you to preschool!

Now here it is, September, 2019, the month you are turning 4 years old!
What a fun year it's been, Walt!

Happy birthday to you!
I love you...

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