I'm excited!
Sydney, Darwin, Cairns...that's our 3 main areas. We're in each area about 1/3 of the time. Some of the sites I'm looking most forward to seeing: Kakadu National Park, the termite mounds at Litchfield National Park, aboriginies, aboriginal art, Great Barrier Reef... I wonder what my most memorable parts will be once I've been there?
I don't know if I'll be able to update, but I do have another blog about this trip. The address is http://p2ptravelers-australia.blogspot.com.
My friend Karen, who I met through her student teaching, told me that Australia - and namely - Kakadu National Park - was about her favorite spot on the planet.
I'm excited!
G-day, Mate!
Sweetie, I hope you have a wonderful time. Stay well. I love you, Mom
Be careful and have fun mom. I love you.
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