A little progress has happened here at the home of the Johnston Chronicles! A couple of weeks ago, (maybe 3?) we finally got the new patio poured. We obviously haven't been able to use the new back door because we would have been stepping into mud.

We've definitely been enjoying the wood stove this winter, not having turned on the central heat once! You can see how the wood supply has deteriorated.
Oh, excuse the form for the patio that's leaning against the woodpile. I guess my valentine should cut it up and burn it!

Seeing as my valentine loves to work in the yard, he got these rocks to make a path. We need a path to the wood pile and also to the gate. Right now the rocks are in the rock pile. We have many piles at the Johnston Chronicles. We had even more piles when Blu was here.

This is what is coming up in our flower beds now... could spring be around the corner?
Judy & Ron,
Patio looks great! Ron you need to come to Texas and help me on our projects!!!
Love ya,
Your favorite Brother
Hey nice looking patio!
Love ya,
G, Ex2 & B
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