Benjamin loves all things automotive...airplanes, trucks, cars, tractors...
Behind his house is a HUGE excavator...which he loves to look at...
He calls it the 'dac-trow'...translation: tractor.
Last Saturday, we took a walk to go look at it up close...

His daddy, who also likes things automotive...well, maybe not AUTOmotive, but well, things like airplanes and rockets...was excited to take his little man to see the 'dac-trow'...

It's big...it's huge...

Benjamin was just a tad-bit shy around it at first...

He wasn't too sure he wanted to stand up on this behemoth...

His mama came over and reassured him...

He climbed up on it...holding on tight to his daddy...

It didn't take long...and Benjamin was running around, in total awe of this enormous piece of machinary!
Afterwards, we walked down the easement behind their house to a church and school. Benjamin decided to go up and down the stairs...knocking on the door...and giving kisses through the railing...

He was just so excited he had gotten to visit the 'dac-trow'!
Looks like a future engineer to me. Loved the blog, thanks mom.
I heard all about the "Dac-Trow" on Mimi's way home from seeing Benjamin but I didn't realize how massive it is! Great pics..
Benjamin can see the datrow from a couple windows inside the house and will frequently say datrow wow! Actually he now even says it randomly while in the car, even when he doesn't see a datrow!
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