Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stop and Go

My boys...
Sunday, Gabe and Emerson came down to see their new little nephew/cousin, William.  We went to church, but seeing as these little men were so excited to see each other and play, I KNEW there was NO WAY they would be quiet in church.  So, I stayed outside the church with them while they played.  The game?  Stop and Go!

A few weeks ago when I was at Lindsey's, Benjamin started telling me to 'STOP' when I was walking...or when I was singing....or when I was talking.  I'd stop, and then he'd wait a bit and say, "GO!" and I'd start walking again, or singing, or talking.  He has continued this game ever since...and I'm assuming he taught it to Emerson...

I think it's a variation of "Are you ready?"  "Ready!"
They ran...and they ran...and they ran... and they screamed...and they screamed...and they screamed.  I thought I overheard some people saying something about the 'screaming kids', so I told them they should stop screaming.  Well, a few minutes later, Benjamin started screaming again...I reminded them to stop screaming, and Emerson quickly said, "I wasn't screaming, Mimi,"  I told him I knew he wasn't and I thanked him.  

"Whew,"  these little guys were T-I-R-E-D...
They hung their bodies over the bench for a few minutes, got a drink of water, and off they went again!


jujabbo said...

Cute! Benjamin loved having his cousin over!

Anonymous said...

They had so much fun together.. Love the action shots!


Anonymous said...

Grute, you're forgetting about the Go! Let that belly grow, it's not your room and the other.. well.. ;)