Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Hanging around the house on the day before Thanksgiving

 Sullivan is one well loved little brother!
Both of his brothers just love him to pieces!

Benjamin is very gentle with him, laying beside him and talking to him like in these pictures.

 It was a bit the boys were in the house...
and their parents went out to lunch.
The wrestling began...

Now you might notice Sullivan and where he is.  I had put him there by the door...he loves the outdoors...and he was checking out the trees.
Here comes the train William!
William does NOT lay beside him gently...
William is VERY affectionate...but he's not gentle about it in any shape or form.
ROUGH is probably a more accurate description.

I think I blinked...
and all of a sudden, Sullivan was in a different spot.
I didn't move him.

Then Sullivan was moved yet again...
Then 5 year old Wild William decided to move him once again!
I'm sure William didn't want Sullivan to be in the line of fire of their wrestling!

Every 90 seconds or so, William would run over and plant a big kiss on Sullivan...

and tell him how much he loves him...

Not long after this, William said he wanted to watch the Pink Panther.  
I gladly found it on YouTube...

and then it was calm for 41 minutes.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of this.  Watching Benjamin and William playing/wrestling/talking together brings back so many memories of their uncles when they were that age.

Fun times, for sure!

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