Friday, August 31, 2007

5 down, 175 to go

This title is not referring to a football game. Of course you wouldn't have 175 to go...duh..but the 'down' and 'to go' part sound like football. However, I am referring to school...that school year that I have SO ENJOYED these first five days...the same school year that in an earlier post I was saying 'can summer really be over?'

I have to admit I was dragging my heels about starting back to school - and now I'm happy to report that I am L-O-V-I-N-G it. I have an absolutely sweetheart class...all 30 of them! We have a new principal who we adore. She has a great personality...and she helps make being at school fun. Here she is in an assembly we had today:
My buddy Pam told me that Jane -our new principal - knew every campfire type song there was. This must be the first of many we'll learn. In this photo, she's showing my class her goggles as she's telling them how much she loves to swim.

So...I just wanted to let you know how wonderful the week has been. I think I was sounding a bit pessimistic for a while there.

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