"OH MY GOODNESS," I believe I shrieked.
"OH MY..." I continued to shriek. I started to sweat and it wasn't from a hot flash... it was excitement, anticipation...
Rema then told me she had already eaten some.
Now I'm not a greedy person, but I had thoughts of destruction cross my mind thinking Rema had eaten some of MY GRANOLA from NADA! I DID contain myself and rationalize out that maybe, just maybe, Nada had sent Rema some granola too. After all, Nada IS Rema's aunt.
Oh my...look at that!
Oh yum... I had to get a little closer...
and still closer...
...shoot, I just finally reached in and grabbed some!
Oh Nada! I absolutely LOVE this granola! I asked Rema if you made it or bought it... she uttered a little laugh, 'Oh no, Nada likes to shop. She bought it,' was Rema's answer.
Well, the next day, I was getting ready to start the day. Vanessa, my wonderful student and photographer of the last batch of granola, came up to chit-chat. I said to Vanessa, "Guess what I'm having with my yogurt and apples today?"
I gave her a BIG SMILE when I said that.
Here's Vanessa's reaction:
What was muffled under her hands was, "OH, DID YOU GET SOME MORE OF NADA'S GRANOLA?"
Yes, Vanessa, I certainly did!
...and I proceeded to eat one entire bag in one setting. I kept telling myself to stop, but I wasn't listening. I'm rationing out the rest!
Now for newer readers of the Johnston Chronicles, you may be wondering just who in the world is Nada. Nada, who I've already said, is Rema's aunt... and Camilla's great-aunt. I first met Nada when she flew out here from Texas. Camilla had had to go to UCSF and so Nada rode down with me. That was how I really got to know and love Nada!
In this picture, we were all playing Monopoly... Starting with me standing, going clockwise, is Nada, Camilla, Rema, and Dick. It's hard to believe, but I think this was taken close to 5 years ago.
We have a wedding in July... in Austin! I think I may need to do a little sho(crunch crunch)pping while I'm there!
We'll have to talk, Nada!
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