Here is Addison with his sweet wife, Kasi, and ... the killer, aka Vito. Oh, don't be deceived by his small size and sweet face.
You may have heard of the wolf in sheep's clothing? Even my brother doesn't know the deadly creature he holds... Kasi smiles - oh, how little do they know...
The evidence:
Becky, Florence Nightingale in disguise, is applying alcohol to my poor guys leg...
Where he was BIT...
My poor guy could hardly walk...
Addison, alarmed by the rage of his animal, threw him in jail. Well, it wasn't exactly jail, but he threw Vito in his cage.
I went to take a picture of this potential killer. He was so embarrassed, he wouldn't even look at me.
Compare... the guilt (above) with the supposed innocence (below).
This is my sweet grand dog you are talking about. Love, Becky
He is going to get shipped off to military school.
I hope and prey that Ron will not have nightmares due to The killer Vito taking a chunk out of his leg and his right cheek!
THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!! I would feel safer with a pit bull, I can tell the look of a killer a mile a way.
A very frightned Gabe
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