Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Apron Sisters... on Halloween

October 31 is not my favorite day. Being a teacher, the day can be a little... maybe chaotic is the word.

One of the agonizing parts of the day is deciding what in the world 'to be' for the annual Halloween parade. Thus I now speak of my friend, Sandi... my retired friend, Sandi ... my cooking friend who now has lots of time to cook, Sandi... and actually has time to paint and sew. Do you get the picture?

Three of my girlfriends at school - Laner, Pam, and Lynne - all, like me, have one of Sandi's apron creations. So... about a week before the dreaded day, Lynne and I had a grand idea ... we would wear aprons for Halloween... and carry a bowl ... and a wooden spoon! We told Laner and Pam - who probably thought we were geniuses (is that how you spell more than one genius?). Thus, the following:


Anonymous said...

I love being an apron sister!!!

Judy said...

You and me both!

Anonymous said...

You 4 look like little girls playing dress up. I love it. Love to all, mom

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt about it, WE ARE 4 girls playing dress up and loving every minute of it!!!!!