Sunday, March 15, 2009

Grandparent Gift

Our friend Brian came over today. I was actually at the grocery store when he came, but he was still here when I got home. We visited awhile, then I asked him what he was up to.

My guy answered and said, "Brian brought us a Grandparent's Gift."

"A Grandparents Gift? I don't think I've heard of anyone giving that before"

Brian said, "From one grandparent to another."

It was adorable paper! Notice all the little animals?
I opened it... and look!

It's a puzzle...

of animals...

and Brian made it himself!
He said it was his 11th one.

Can you see all the little animal shapes? There's even a hedgehog!
Each shape has a little peg so Emerson and Benjamin can pick them up easier.

Brian told us we needed to learn all the sounds. Does anyone know what sound a hedgehog makes?

What a wonderful gift, Brian! Thank you so very much!


Anonymous said...

What a neat puzzle. What kind of material? Looks like it might be wood. I don't know what sound a hedgehog makes and I don't know what it looks like. I know the two boys will enjoy it. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Very impressive Brian. I know what sound a hedgehog makes! Beep Beep!


Judy said...

Hey Mom,
It is wood... mahogany, I think he said. Brian only put mineral oil on it so it wouldn't hurt when Emerson and Benjamin put it in their mouths! It's gorgeous!

Gabe, what sound does a giraffe make?

Anonymous said...

The Giraffe is a complex and misunderstood animal. They communicate primarily through vibrations in their eyelids and ESP. If you listen closely, you can hear a faint "Pfffft, Pfffft" of the fluttering of eyelids. Other than that, they just look down on all of us with their condescending disapproval.

Beep Beep!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brian. Benjamin will enjoy playing with it, and fighting with Emerson over who gets to put the last puzzle piece in :) Just kidding, our boys won't ever argue! They're going to be little angels. Lindsey