Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thalia's new job

Yep, my sweet granddaughter, Thalia, has a job....It's not mastering the game of Jacks...so she can beat her Mimi...her Mimi that used to be great at the nineseys....and all the way up to the twelvesesys (I have no idea how to spell these!)

It was given to her by her Dad...my baby boy, Joshua...

Mowing the lawn...that's her new job. It looks like Joshua is being a great supervisor...showing her the finer points of lawn mowing...

Her Saddie is probably very proud of her great-granddaughter!


Anonymous said...

You betcha I'm proud of my great grandaughter. Mowing the right way is an art. I wish I were there so I could give a few pointers. Keep up the good work Thalis. I love you, Saddie

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to mow but Dad wouldn't let me! It's men's work I guess. Now, thanks to Dad, I have NO desire to mow the lawn. Sorry Donnie :) Linz

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it I have NO desire to do anything that could possibly be labeled "men's work". I can blame Dad for that one...I wasn't allowed to snip, mow, play football, etc. Donnie asked me if I would help him put up a gate and I said No!

Judy said...

Oh, Lindsey! As your dad and I were reading your comments...he asked,laughing, "Oh, do I detect a bit of bitterness?" Ha ha

Anonymous said...

I am bitter too! I didn't want to mow the lawn, but had to. Lulu wanted to mow the lawn, but wan not allowed to. What is wrong with this??

I always wanted to help in the kitchen as a "taste tester".


Anonymous said...

Thalia, you look awesome pushing the lawnmower! Get good at your yard then maybe you can get you a couple of mowing jobs in the neighborhood.

"Thalia's lawn mower service". Now this has a ring to it! Not only do I mow, I also trim the hedges, pick up dog poop, rake leaves, etc. I see something BIG hear.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Pops, at what age did Gabe and I start mowing the lawn? I know Gabe started at like 18 right after he was potie trained and right before he moved out, but how old was I. I still get a little nervous with Thalia and like to be right beside her when she's mowing. Her pooper scooper technique is perfect and I have no worries when she's armed with the shovel and bags. Linz, when you come up I'll let you do all the scooping you want. They'll be no bitterness in this house.

Jamie said...

Oh, Lindsey! As your dad and I were reading your comments...he asked,laughing, "Oh, do I detect a bit of bitterness?" Ha ha

Abrams said...

Oh, Lindsey! As your dad and I were reading your comments...he asked,laughing, "Oh, do I detect a bit of bitterness?" Ha ha