Sunday, March 06, 2011

Saturday at Joshua's

Joshua, Erica, and Thalia have eucalyptus trees in their backyard...BIG eucalyptus trees! Joshua felt they were a bit dangerous, or would be in a storm - think 'wind' - blowing - 'hitting house'... you get the idea.
Zoom in on this photo and you can see part of the tree as it is falling!

Joshua decided they needed to be the tune of about $1800! I asked him why he just didn't trim them...

"too tall, Jutze, too tall"

Seeing these photos, I remembered they were definitely too tall for my baby boy to be climbing and cutting...
Check out the people in this photo...and you get more of an idea of how tall they were...

Now when they grow back, Joshua will be able to do the trimming...or maybe that'll be Thalia's new job...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that makes a huge difference.. we need the before and after. Grute, you were wise not to tackle those puppies, they were huge!

I hope we get to see the backyard at Easter!