Saturday, March 05, 2011

Saturday morning

Here is my baby girl...quite a few years ago. This picture has been edited in Photoshop Elements 9 (PSE9), which I wrote about new toy!Here is the original...

This was before digital photography, but when I scan them, it digitizes them so I can play around. Today, I also learned how to use the grid on PSE9 and this was my first attempt. Besides the grid, I was playing around with 'rendering' photos (don't have a clue what it means, but I like what it can do)... and also making photos look like a watercolor painting.
In this grid, the bottom right is the original...The top row are both 'watercolor' and I don't have a clue what the bottom left is. I don't really care for it, but I put it in because I wanted a fourth photo for my new-found grid work.
Wanting to practice more with the grid...and with applying textures to photos, I found this photo from last years People to People trip to Kinderdijk, which is outside of Amsterdam. The top right is the original photo...

Well, let's keep going...I was thinking I SHOULD do some school work, I WANT to paint, I SHOULD clean the house, I WANT to read my book (not all the PSE9 tutorials I have bookmarked or downloaded)...but instead, I thought I'd practice adding a frame to the grid of photos....

Then I called my guy in here to look at it and asked him if he thought it looked like a postcard!

Fortunately for him, he said, "Yes"...

Then I thought, "Well, I should blog this..."

and as you know, I did.

Now what?

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