Monday, August 15, 2011

He's not really an IN-N-OUT Burger kind of guy!

 On my last trek from San Diego,  I stopped at an IN-N-OUT for lunch... 
 I'm not a fast-food person, but I do love In-N-Out!  I noticed as I was standing in line, that they had stickers, "Just ask your server," or something like that.  So I did... I told the gentleman that I had 2 2-year old grandsons... and he gave me 2 hats and 4 sheets of stickers!
Benjamin was thrilled with his hat... he wore it so well!

Emerson would have nothing to do with his.

Benjamin also loved his stickers.   They ended up on his potty chair...then the floor...then back on the potty chair...some on his leg... his mama has probably thrown them away by now...

But his Mimi has more!

Why do I say Benjamin's not an In-N-Out sort of guy?  Well, he's a vegetarian...and I don't think they serve veggie burgers...  Emerson?  He IS an In-N-Out sort of guy...his mama told me he had eaten one of their burgers... guess he just doesn't like their hats!


Josh said...

Great choice Jutze. You can't beat IN-N-OUT...

Anonymous said...

wow, ben is so big and handsome. and yes, great choice for IN-N-OUT.