Tuesday, August 02, 2011

 Addison... my nephew... my favorite nephew in Korea... was thinking he looked like David... King David...
 I didn't have the heart to tell him he didn't look so much like him... but I DID tell him he looked European... that made him happy...
 His mama, my sweet sister-in-law Becky, was hoping her European-looking-Korean-living son would put a razor to his beard...  His favorite aunt in California (that's me!) told him not to shave...  to which my sweet sister-in-law said, "JUDY LEN!!!" 
 I had actually just arrived to visit my mom...my baby brother and family had just arrived in Fort Wort for a nephew's wedding... Becky's brother's son's wedding (did you follow that?)... So my mama and I just shot over to Fort Worth to hang out for awhile and visit... 
Jamie, my sweet sister-in-law's sister from Atlanta, took this picture of us.  You can see my European-looking-Korean-living favorite nephew towering in the back... his Saddie (that's my mom) calls him "that long tall drink of water."  (Don't ask...it's Texas-talk for being tall!)
I don't know what Addison thinks about being a long-tall-drink-of-water...

 Meet Jim and Glenda...these are my sweet sister-in-law Becky's parents...  Jim asked me if I wanted him to comb his hair before I snapped the photo...
 "Well, should I?" he asked. 

Glenda told him, "Oh hush, Jim!"
Here's my mama...Addison's Saddie... with her 'long-tall-drink-of-water, European-looking-Korean-living' grandson...

 Meet Jamie... Becky's baby sister... she's in pink.  Then there's Jim & Glenda, Becky...and then meet Guy.  Guy is the elder brother of Becky and Jamie.  That cute thing on the end is Anna...or is it Sophie?  She's a cutie...and the daughter of Jamie.  Now they are all here for Jeff's son's wedding...none of which are in the photo! 
 I was happy to see everyone, but I was especially happy to see my baby brother, John David, Becky, Addison, and Sami (who was in doing her niece's hair for the rehearsal dinner!)

A busy time... and a fun time!


Josh said...

In addition to the European look, I think it's a stong look for Humboldt county. Addison would fit right in at the ole Co-op.
Great blog Jutze, everyone looks great.

Addison said...

It was great to see you even just for a short time.