I'll call him today, December 1st, because he turns 49 years old.
I'm not sure if he realizes that being 49 means he's an adult and that means his pants SHOULD fit, not sag in the ... well, you know.
He's the 'good son', helping out around our mother's place...
...sometimes willingly, sometimes under duress...
"John David, you missed that little tree over there. JOHN DAVID, listen to your mother! Look, right over there. Get that one!"
That's when our mother gets THE LOOK!
This is an 'action shot.' Now, the question is, what is the action? Is my little brother walking away from his mother, or is he working? You choose.
But again, when they hear orders,
My little brother has taught my own kids some of the finer points in life. I do believe I've chronicled some of those lessons in earlier posts (i.e. the pull the finger trick, the wet willie, etc.) but thankfully they didn't always see him working.
But you would be mistaken. The depth of field is working just right... the clippers ARE close to his face, his tongue actually...
When his sweet wife, Becky, saw another tree he had missed, he looked a little cross-eyed...
Neither my guy or I have any sisters... just brothers. At Thanksgiving, we were all at the farm together. My little brother was out helping with the turkeys...the deep friend turkeys.
He likes to kid around... he can give our mom a hard time (and vice versa),
Happy 49th Birthday!
Your favorite sister
To my very favorite sister, You are the best and I'm very thankful I have learned everything from you!
UJ, man you keep getting better looking with age! Happy Birthday!! I can't believe those hens, I mean hen, made you do all that work so close to your birthday.
You are the man!
Gabe & Emily
UJ, man you keep getting better looking with age! Happy Birthday!! I can't believe those hens, I mean hen, made you do all that work so close to your birthday.
You are the man!
Gabe & Emily
Sweetie, I love the blog. I am so blessed to have two kids like you and John David. Wish you could have been with us to celebrate Dave's birthday. Love you, Mother
Happy Birthday UJ. We love you.
Josh, Erica, and Thalia
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