Sunday, April 25, 2010

Let's take a picture

After church, we walked in, looked at the fire burning in the wood stove (in April!), and my guy said, "Let's take a picture! Where's the tripod?"So out came the tripod and we took a photo or two. I played around with cropping them, changing to black and white, or sepia and white... and that was the end of that!
My guy has been gone for the past week. He flew to Texas to see his mom and do some work around the farm. Larry, his older brother, came up both weekends to see his brother and together they tackled the many chores of a farm and an older farmhouse. He loved it...loved being with his mom and brother...

and it's so nice to have him back home!


Anonymous said...

Love the pics of you and Ron in front of the fireplace! The fireplace pic is cool also! You guys look very content!

Anonymous said...

What a good looking couple! Glad you guys are doing well!