Marvin and Nell were living a busy retired life...always on the go...trailering with their friends...traveling...taking walks...playing golf...
In 2004, Nell died and we became even closer to Marvin. He became more than our neighbor, more than our friend....Marvin became family to us. We have loved him for a long time.
On Thursday morning, a week ago today, Marvin made the decision he was ready to go Home. He wanted to have all the IVs stopped...he said he wasn't getting any better...he was ready to go to Heaven. My guy and I saw him Thursday night before we left for southern California on Friday. He told me it had been a hard, emotional day...
As much as I grieve for our Marvin, I can celebrate the extraordinary life he was given. 96 1/2 years! He saw so much in his long life...always saying his 'memory was too long' when it came to the extraordinary prices of things today. He was the man of incredible stories, of which my guy and I had the absolute pleasure of sharing in. Here are some old blogs featuring our Marvin. You can read here about his 96th birthday, here about Our Favorite Musher, here , here, and here about more of his birthdays. Other posts you might enjoy about our Marvin can be found here and here and here.
It has been such an honor, such a joy, to have known and loved him for 22 years...
but our heart still hurts...
That was a great blog mom. There's no doubt Marvin will be missed. He was a great man and a great family friend.
Josh & Erica
I didn't know Marvin as well as you and Ron but when I was with him I enjoyed him so much. I'll not forget Thanksgiving, playing cribbage with him and having him for a partner. He was a neat guy. Mom
Thank you, Ron and Judy, for bringing so much joy and love into Marvin's life, especially after his dear wife died. What a gift that was!
God bless Marvin. It is inspiring to see neighbors turn into such great friends. He will be missed. I am proud that you Mom & Dad for taking such good care of Marvin.
Gabe & Emily
Judy, great blog on Marvin! I wish I could have met him. I feel like I know him through you and Ron.
We'll miss Marvin but he's gone on to bigger and better things. We'll see you again Marvin :) Lindsey & Donnie
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