Monday, June 14, 2010


I'm getting ready for my annual summer People to People adventure. This year, I'm taking 30 high school students to England, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland for 3 weeks! We fly out Friday!

Loving to blog doesn't end with the Johnston Chronicles…nope, I blog the People to People adventures, too. I've always been at the mercy of having computers at hotels…until this year. I heard about netbooks…wasn't too sure what they were…so I looked into it. Then a friend emailed me to say she had a netbook…and would I like to borrow it. I declined, not liking to borrow something like that, but then became more intrigued. I heard a negative comment about them…being too slow…but I asked around more and heard more favorable responses…

Enter Costco… with their 90 day return policy. So here I am, with my new ACER Netbook, checking out how to blog through it…doing it a little different way than I normally do. I'm going to install SKYPE on here too…and that will have me set. All I'll need is Wi-Fi, which when I looked at the hotels online, I think most, if not everyone of them had.

I'll let you know how I like – or dislike – a netbook!

By the way, here's a link to the blog:


Anonymous said...

Judy you look like a beautiful alien supermodel in that plane!


Anonymous said...

I love the picture. How did you do it? You're so clever. I love you, MOM
Did you get the picture of my new glasses?

Judy said...

Hey, I haven't seen a pic of your new glasses! Who sent me one..and how?