Monday, April 02, 2012

Starbuck Rocket

Donnie had a project...he decided to build a rocket out of materials from Starbucks.  You have to understand that Donnie is an aerospace he knew what he was doing!
He had 2 cups...think they were the grande size...
He made the cone out of the piece you slip on the cup so it's not too hot to hold...
He made the fins (wings?) and the stand out of other Starbuck materials..
Once the rocket was complete (after lots of calculations for the point of balance and the point of gravity - or something like that), he enlisted his assistant, Benjamin, to find a ladybug and a rolly-polly to ride into space in the cone of the rocket. 
Assistant Benjamin found a rolly-polly and had the honor of putting the critter in the cone...

William wasn't too interested, but he was there for moral support... (not really)
Finding the lucky ladybug...
Letting the ladybug join the rolly-polly in the cone...

Donnie was explaining to his assistant exactly how it was going to work...
Benjamin was intently listening to his Daddy...

Benjamin wasn't too sure of all this at first.  The first countdown had to be abandoned....but not the 2nd! 
"Wow!" After the ... well, I'm not sure if you'd call it a landing... but after it came back to earth, Benjamin's job was to check to see how the ladybug and rolly-polly had fared in their maiden voyage in space...

It was a success!

Benjamin told his Papa all about it, and went off to play...


Donnie said...

Judy, the playdough in the nose brings the "center of gravity" up while the fins brings the "center of pressure" low. And Benjamin actually found three ladybugs to put in the nose. Thanks for taking picture of the momentus occation.

Judy said...

Ahh, now I understand:) But Donnie, what are you doing up at 3:04 a.m.?

Anonymous said...

Donnie. I am REALLY impressed. I wish Starbucks could see this. What great advertisment. Benjamin,
keep helping your dad. Love to all, Bonnie

Unknown said...

Hmmm, I'm not quite sure PETA approves this post. ;) Steve and I do though. Very creative Donnie! Good pics Judy!

Anonymous said...


Guess who Jutze.