Thursday, September 27, 2007

I just had to share my good news....

Oh, I was a happy camper last night. I was just casually walking through the house, ready to head up the stairs...when what to my wondering eyes should appear but... something brown - outside - on the porch.

My heart began to race....

I opened the door...

and there, sitting so grandly on the bench, was a BOX...not just any box, but a box from Sur La Table with my....Now, of course, it wasn't all done up like this one. But it will be...soon...I even got the giant sprinkles too!

Did I say I was excited? I am.
This is what actually came in the box...just incase you were wondering.


Anonymous said...

Is that the cake you acually made? How cute, we have one of those stores in Omaha, but I haven't went into it yet. I know I will want a million things. I think they have cooking classes that would be super fun to go to.

Judy said...

I would like to say I made that cake, but I didn't. I hope to try making one on Sunday....I'll blog it!

Sur la Table is WONDERFUL!!!! You can't help but go crazy in there. I find all sorts of things I can't live without.

Go with your checkbook...or plastic...or lots of cash... :)