Sunday, March 09, 2008

Out with the old...In with the new

Say 'Good-bye' to the parquet. It's been walked on, had glass shattered on, knives dropped on, cats, dogs and kids have run across its surface, well, it's been pretty abused, but it's held its own. It's been a faithful companion.

Tomorrow - sniff, sniff - it's leaving.

Parquet's companion, Grey Carpet, is also leaving us. Actually, just part of Grey Carpet is leaving... only that part that's downstairs. The upstairs part gets to hang around an extra day or two.

I decided I better take some photos for nostalgia... so I don't forget what it was like for 20 years!Pete and Ozzy came over this morning to help my guy move the furniture out of the room with the fireplace. I thought we should just put it all out in the garage. Pete said it was no big deal to move it into the new room...then move it back to this room once the wood is in... then move it back in the new room once the carpet is in. Ok, Pete! They did put the table and the entertainment center in the garage.Ron said I should name this post "Out with the old, in with the new" and this is "THE NEW" ... the new hardwood. Remember I told you it had to acclimate? Well, we've acclimated!Today was SO INCREDIBLY BUSY. We worked all day cleaning out closets, under beds, and my guy removed 42 pieces of trim! Yep, you read that correctly - 42 pieces of trim. That was part of our agreement with the floor company. My guy is going to restain it all before we put it back up. You can see here where he removed one of the 42 pieces.You may wonder WHERE did those 42 pieces of trim go? Well, here they are... along with some other pieces of new trim that we stained today. These will have to be moved ... probably on Tuesday night. I think they'll carpet this room on Wednesday.The new room looks a little cozier with some furniture, even if it's on a cement floor.


Anonymous said...

I liked that old parquet floor. I fondly remember Eskie sliding back and forth like a hockey puck via the kids, God rest his soul. That and Josh's "Risky Business" impressions with the spandex and sunglasses.

Anonymous said...

LOL, what are you talking about Gabe?

Judy said...

Spandex and I don't seem to remember anything like that. Sunglasses? Always.
Spandex? Never


Anonymous said...

It was a yoke. Haven't you seen the movie where crazy psycho Tom Cruise slides around. Somebody must have done some sliding around in thier socks and there is just no possible way it was yours truly. Tight sweatpants and showing a tiny bit of affection to Eskie...maybe. But no risky business here! So that leaves you Grute. Sorry to toss you under the bus haha.