The boys were happy to have their great-grammy with them too! So many new members of the family to meet.

Saddie enjoyed putting the boys to sleep...

Emerson enjoyed snoozing away with his Aunt Erica.

Addison was just taking it all in...

Donnie and Lindsey don't know what to do with all their free time!

It was such a beautiful day...a bunch of us took off for the Hammond Trail to take a walk...Benjamin was enjoying riding in his Ergo.

Thalia was in her element being out in nature!

Thalia is the master of the ripstick. Addison decided he would try his skill...

He was balancing his body and his coat at the same time! Wow!

Saddie walked as far as she could go...then retired to a bench overlooking the ocean.

We continued to walk a little more. Thalia told Addison to forget the ripstick...and she showed us all how to do it!

It was a glorious day because Thalia found not one...not two...but 3 banana slugs. The first one was dead, the second one is the one in the photo, and the third one ... well, her sweet mama said DON'T pick it up! We'd already cleaned up a lot of slime from the second one.

For dinner, Marvin came over to join his 'other family'...everyone loves Marvin and for some, it was their first time to meet him.

By the time my cousin, Patti, and her two sweetheart daughters - Elizabeth and Emily - got here, we had 18 for dinner. I loved every minute of it.

Papa was having fun with Benjamin...who was oblivious to the whole thing.

Emerson wanted to join the eating group...

We had meat lasagna, butternut squash lasagna, salad, and wine.

After dinner, the games started. There were several games going on...and quite a few different conversations.

Saddie was learning how to play cribbage from Marvin, the master.

Poor Blu, he wanted to come in and join the fun...

The gang was having a good time!

I walked in the family room, and my sweet daughter-in-law, Erica, said, "OUT!"
Just kidding, she didn't say that at all.

Gabe wanted to do an experiment with a wine bottle.
Just kidding on that one too!

Addison thought all this was just a bit humorous.

Emily, aka GRITS (Girls Raised In The South), was learning the finer points of the card game, Golf, from her cousin Lindsey.

I think Saddie was doing a two handed wave....
Hi, Mom!

I went to give Joshua a hug and tell him how happy I was that they were all here, and this is the answer I got...
Just kidding again...
Who knows what he was doing.
1 comment:
Looks like this was a pretty WILD night at the Johnston house.
Love ya,
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