Monday, February 05, 2018

A Quick Weekend with Emerson and Walt

Ron and I went down to see the kids.
Walt tried on his new shirt...
and his new socks.
For a long time, this little guy is into his shirts.
At least a year ago, he would tell me about his shirts,
"This is my baseball shirt"
"This is my Mom shirt."
I love this little guy!
 Gabe had told me that he was saying his full name when you asked him his name...
so I recorded it!
 Back in December when Emerson and Walt were at our house, we went shopping.
Emerson saw these football helmets and wanted them for Christmas...
I told him if I bought them then, he had to forget about them
 So when he opened them, I asked him if had remembered...
He hadn't, but definitely remembered the day when he saw them!

 Saturday morning, he had baseball tryouts.
 I told him I wanted to take a picture of him in his baseball clothes.
You can see how well that worked!
 Baxter was telling him to turn around and smile...
Unfortunately, not even Baxter could convince him!

I know he was smiling...
but I couldn't capture it...
this time!

But just wait, Emerson....
this weekend I'll get you!

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