Sunday, February 25, 2018

My day with Walt

After playing with Adie and Faith, Walt and I took off for the park.
Actually, that's NOT what we initially took off for.  I just thought we were going for a walk/tricycle ride...but he led me to the park!

 Walt parked his tricycle and took off to play!

 I have a picture that I've always LOVED of Emerson at about this age...
so I was hoping to also get one of Walt...
 he didnt' really want to be still enough for me to get my camera ready!

 Next was the swing...
 but he didn't stay in it too long...
 He hopped on this and just had a grand ole time!

 After we'd been home awhile, his mama and daddy got home...
and Walt and his mama sat out in the garden for awhile...
That's actually where they were when I took off to head home.
Emerson was gone a lot of the time...which I loved that he enjoyed spending the night and some time with his buddy...
but Walt and I just had a great time together!

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