Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Happy 6th Birthday, William!

February 28, 2017 was the day you turned 5 years old.
Of course there was a big party to celebrate!
March was full of baseball!
 You played on the Indians..
Look at  you, William!
You're definitely a baseball player!

April came...
 You were making me laugh the way you climbed all over your mom as she was listening to Benjamin~
 The trampoline, of course, was a popular activity.

You've also become quite the swimmer!
I loved taking you to your lessons and watching you.
Mr. Cool...
that's what you are!

Sullivan was growing inside your mama...
but we didn't know it was "Sullivan"!
 Whenever I come down, you like to play video games on my iPad...
and Benjamin plays on the phone.

We took a family picture...

May is a big month for our family...
 Watching you play soccer is so much fun!
You're a beast, William!

 Minecraft...and other video games...
We saw you at Emerson's birthday party... 
 and then we saw you again a couple of weeks later
when we came down to celebrate Benjamin's birthday.
 You and Benjamin were digging in the backyard...
and when I asked what you were doing...
It had something to do with Minecraft!

 What a brother!  You helped Benjamn get the mud off his shoes...
You definitely had fun in the jump house at Benjamin's party!

June came...
 You and your family came up Father's Day weekend...
along with Emerson's family.
You can see here that croquet was something we played...
 along with Corn Hole...
 We just had fun hanging out...
 Papa and I got a puppy, Baxter.
You are crazy about him...
and he is crazy about you!

July was a month I didn't get to see you :(
 Lucky for me, your mama sent me some pictures of you and Benjamin playing in the Junior Giants league!

August was a HUGE month for you...and for all of our family...because
Sullivan was born.  Now you are both a little brother and a big brother!

August was so busy...after Sullivan was born, family and friends came to visit, plus you and Benjamin came to McKinleyville with Papa and I for a few days.
Baseball, croquet,corn hole,  playing with Baxter...we were busy!

 We stopped at Uncle Gabe's on the way back to your house.
We spent some time at their pool!

September included more sports and a birthday party for Walt. just keeping better and better!
 We had fun at Walt's birthday party. You played baseball with Benjamin, Emerson and other boys.
 It's so fun to watch you play!

 You're good at all sports, but I do think soccer is your favorite!

 Oh William!  This game showed how determined you are.
You had a very cut that had been cut right before we left for your game...and it was bleeding and it hurt...
but you played...
 the entire game!

October was another big month!
Benjamin was baptized and Sullivan was dedicated...on the same day, at the same service.
As is the Stewart tradition, there was a big celebration afterward!

November was Thanksgiving and a big picture taking month!
You came to our house for Thanksgiving...others were suppose to come, but Walt was was Addison and Remy.  

 You helped make hot rolls...
 I had asked you to bring your turkey hat...
and you remembered!!!

 Between the apple farm and the marsh, we took so many great pictures!
I hope you know how much we LOVE having you visit!

We didn't see you much in December...
We came down with Uncle Joshua for a couple of days...
but you were in school.
 We didn't see you at Christmas because you went to Seattle!

In January, your family and Uncle Gabe's family all met at the zoo.  
I love this picture that Aunt Emily sent...I wasn't there but I was so happy ya'll went!

 Papa, Baxter, and I came down towards the end of January.  We were suppose to go see James and the Giant Peach, but it was cancelled.  I was disappointed to not see it with you, but that just gave us more time to hang out!
 These last pictures weren't taken by me.
They are super special!  It was  your mom and dad's anniversary and you all went on a bike ride.

 You rode your NEW bike!

 You rode to the gazebo where you, Benjamin, and your dad (and Sullivan) sang 
L-O-V-E to your mom.
This was incredibly sweet!  

I can hardly believe you're 6 years old, William!

I just love you so much!
Happy Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Donnie said...

Such sweet pictures! Thanks Mom!