Friday, May 17, 2019

Is Walt a future GS Warrior...BMX racer...Tricycle champ...?

 March 11th was a fun day with Walt!
 We started the day playing basketball.

 Baxter tried to get the basketball, but it was too large.
So he found his tennis ball and he was a happy dog!

 I just love this picture!  Look at this form for a 3 year old!

 Walt is really a great little basketball player!
I'm sure he's watched Emerson over and over and over again!

 Ummmm?  He decided to dribble from his car seat!
 OK, enough of basketball.
It was time for some bike riding.

 You can't tell from this picture, but he was going around and coming up on the side of the porch...then coming down the steps and on into the cul de sac.
 He decided to change his mode of transportation.

 Time to pause and watch the garbage truck.

 He was spellbound watching the truck...
and then the driver, bless his heart, honked and waved at Walt!
 Next, he found his bubbles.

This was what we did for a good while...until the bubbles ran out, mostly from getting knocked over.  That was fine...we talked about getting more, but then it was time for Emerson to be home!

What a great day with this little guy!

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