First I have to say, my class consists of 32 sweethearts! Like Max...
But now it's time to rest for three days. Our neighbor, we call him "The Farmer", is having an estate sale. His wife's mother died so they are selling a lot of her stuff. Look what I bought for $5.
This new nightstand now leaves me with some decisions... what color to paint I give it a distressed look... what kind of lamp should I get for it? Oh well, at least I have accomplished the first step in just getting the thing!
Another plan for this 3-day weekend is hanging pictures. It seems that once the house was finished, life went into a whirlwind - a fun whirlwind - and all activity on the house ceased. I have some areas I just can't decide what I want to do with. For example:
Let's see, what else do I want to do? Work-out (Ron's already left for the gym and I'm suppose to join him, except my work-out pants are in the dryer - good excuse for continuing to blog!), paint - I have 2 paintings I'm working on, and one I think I could about finish in the weekend - make a blueberry pie, or something with all the fresh blueberries that I also need to pick! Have my buddy Bob and his first wife, Helen, over for dinner and to see the house, have Marvin over, deadhead the flowers, read, watch the rest of Season 1 of Lost, ...
Maybe I should prioritize?