Thursday, August 21, 2008

Who needs all these fancy, expensive glasses?

I went to the eye doctor last week.

Of course, my prescription needs to be stronger...which translates to new glasses. That's fun, seriously...because glasses can be like a new fashion- a new look. The eye technician was telling me about some new-fangled glasses that COULD make you see up to 20% better. Something about how light hits your eye and scatters to the back of your eye. With these new-fangled glasses, they adjust the lenses (the very expensive lenses) so that it takes into account this scattering of light. Well, with my insurance, these glasses cost me about $500 and if I just get the same kind of glasses I have now - which are wonderful! - it only costs $212 with insurance.

So, I considered, I debated, and then I thought of my friend, Terry.
Shoot, she doesn't need any NEW-FANGLED glasses! So, I don't either.

Thanks for the advice, Terry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...