summer is over...
it's time for a new school year to begin.
I LOVE my job, I LOVE teaching, I LOVE kids...
I also LOVE to paint, read, exercise, cook, visit with my family and friends... I can still do all that, but not at a leisurely pace. So - to school.
The room is ready...
for all 32 students... that's right. 32 4th graders will walk into Room 8 on
Monday. I bought a little 4-cup coffeemaker
I have to stop and remind myself all that I love about teaching...
*the kids - 4th graders are magical...they are - for the most part - sweethearts. They still love school, they don't mind homework, they don't see their teacher as 'mom' anymore, they're trying to figure out their pecking order and it's usually fun to watch this happen. The learning... oh, they learn so many new things in 4th grade!
*my school - I teach in a remarkable school. That certainly is a big +. Our staff is awesome, we have a great principal, we're all friends, willing to share anything.
*curriculum - I love the 4th grade curriculum. Social studies is all about California and Native Americans. Math... oh, that's my passion! These little guys are bombarded with so many new concepts...and they are like sponges...taking it all in, and doing it so well!
*comraderie - my buddy, Pam. I will be lost when she retires in two years. She and I have taught the same grade level together (4th & 6th grade) for ... I think this is our 17th year. We plan together every week... discuss curriculum all the time... and two heads are definitely better than one. It's definitely a plus to have team-players on staff!
*excitement - even though everyone, I think, enjoys summer, you can sense the excitement within the halls of the school.
*learning - Part of teaching is learning new things myself. Sure, I know the curriculum, but I'm constantly reading and looking for new things to add. Plus, I learn all the new methods and ideas from my student teachers. They keep me thinking about why I do what I do.
So, it's good-bye to summer... and hello to a brand new school year.
I think I'm ready....
I think I'll walk to the gym now, do a little exercising, and then come home and paint.
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