The meter reader opened our meter....
He then left us a note saying our 'consumption' had more than doubled since last month.
Um? We haven't been watering????? My guy knew that could only mean one thing...
can you see that water down there?
Like a good neighbor... Pete (and Ozzy) came to help out. I think he helped Ron 'bleed' the pipes? Does that sound correct?
Here's our hydrangea bush... minus any blooms. It's a late bloomer...but isn't it huge? My guy cuts it ALL the way back every year, and then every summer, it just grows like crazy!
Ahhh... here you can see the fuschia all nestled in there.
Good thing my guy fixed the water so we could water those bushes...
Pops, is that the same leak we were investigating before? Guess you were right on that one.
Nice work! Landscaping is looking good!!
Ouch, that is no fun! That hydranga is HUGE! I hope mine doesnt get that big!
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