Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Baxter heads to the woods

Cooler weather will be here before too long..
which means we need more wood to burn!
Sunday, we took off to go cut some firewood...
Baxter was excited...he got in the back seat of Ron's truck and was seatbelted in...
We started traveling north..
Ron thought we'd be higher than the fog when we got to our destination...
We were actually out of it long before we got there.
You can't see, but the Pacific is right over that grass...
It's so beautiful here!
We had to stop for some road work.  Parts of the highway like to head down to the ocean...so it's always (it seems) being rebuilt or reinforced.
Our driver :)
Whenever we head north, I love this part...where it opens up to the ocean.  There used to be campers lined up here, but now camping is not allowed.

Addison...John David...can you guess where we were passing?
Can you see Baxter checking out the scenery?
We were off the main road and heading uphill...
I had originally been a bit concerned about going up in the woods since this was the opening weekend of hunting season.  Ron had reassured me it was OK, that no one would be hunting where we were going.  "It's behind a locked gate," he had told me.
Yep, here's the locked gate!

Lots of smaller trees here...
I loved this...we were higher in elevation...and could look down on mountains through these trees.

We turned off onto a rocked road...
and then to a dirt road...
red dirt...
Baxter had a bath yesterday...
oh well, at least he had a clean start to playing in the dirt!

This was a load of logs that had been down for at least a year.
It's already dried, ready to burn, and easy to get for firewood.
Baxter had his food and water bowls...
but he was thrilled with all the sticks!

Oh boy!  Soft red dirt to dig in...

Ron cut the wood,
I stacked it in the truck,
Baxter ran around.

It was an absolutely beautiful day...
and beautiful setting!
Our formerly clean pup!

Can you tell he was enjoying the digging?
He hasn't been digging at home recently...
so I hope this doesn't spark him to start again in the backyard!

I just love his ears!

Another stick...

Oh my!
He would drink water,
then dig...
look at that face!
Of course, his water became a mess from all the dirt coming off his muzzle as he drank.
I can't believe how fast his hair grows!
I JUST cut his hair a little over a week ago.  We could see his eyes really well...but now...well, can you see his eyes?

After running around,
Baxter was done!

We loaded up and took off towards home.

Passing some lagoons...

Our little town...
Baxter had a grand time...
and we'll be warm when the cooler weather comes!

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