Monday, June 25, 2012

Back to the Park

 The boys asked to go to the park. 

"Mimi, can we go to the park?" they both wanted to know.
 Of course!

When they were infants, I used to dream of taking them to the park...of them being old enough that we could go there and play.  I remember walking to the store one time, and imagining myself saying, "Boys, come on, let's go to the park," 

It's not a dream anymore...well, it's a reality, but it really still is my dream.  I love every second of it.
 You may notice they both have their 'cameras' in their hands..

 After a slide or two, Emerson asked me to hold his camera.... Benjamin kept his...

 They slid, then they ran...and ran...and ran.... up around the stairs...back towards me, back towards the stairs.  I love, love, love to hear them laugh as they run, to hear them talk to each other...
They would yell at me and tell me hi!

 Then they'd come back running...and running....

and screaming....
Then they'd start talking about...who knows what...whatever little 3 year old men talk about...
 I'm sure they weren't cold, but I was, so I talked them into heading back to Mimi and Papa's...
Off they went...with their Mimi close behind...smiling at her little men!


Anonymous said...

I remember how much I enjoyed playing with my grandkids when they would visit. Such wonderful memories. Love, Mom

Judy said...

Absolutely, Mom! That's one of the reasons they love you so much is because you got down and really played WITH them.

Anonymous said...

I love the pix!