Thursday, June 14, 2012

Just dropping by...

Lindsey, Donnie, Benjamin, and William stopped by for a little while today.

Stopped by...

I would LOVE it if they could just 'stop by' more often...but they can't, seeing as they live 6 hours from here - that's 6 hours if there's no traffic....or if some little man doesn't need to eat, or have his diaper changed. 

They were heading north to go camping with some friends who are ...moving :((.... :(( to Iowa in a couple of weeks.  Benjamin kept saying to me, "Mimi, I came back to your house!" 

They'll be back Saturday afternoon ... and then are staying a couple of days.  I'm excited!!!


Anonymous said...

It would be wonderful to live close to my kids to be able to drop in for a cup of coffee and then go home. I can dream. Love to all, Mom

Judy said...

Yep, Mom...we dream! I would SO LOVE to have all of my family live close so we could all get together on more occasions.

Anonymous said...

I think I might drop by in a few weeks.
