Monday, June 11, 2012

Rare day

 Yesterday was a rare day...
 We were able to COMFORTABLY sit outside and eat dinner!
The temperature got up to....66 degrees!  There was some wind...and the wind was pretty cold, but here on the patio we were a bit shielded from it. 

We were going to take a photo of us together...but realized we've lost our tripod.  How in the world do you lose a tripod?  Oh well... it was a beautiful, rare day here on the north coast!  They don't come very often, but when they do, there's nothing better!


Anonymous said...

Haha very descriptive pics Jutes!

Anonymous said...

You're making me hungry and wishing for your weather. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Great little blog Jutze. I really liked the captions. You guys should do that more often. I'm sure there's at least 3 days a year when it's not raining or freezing up there, but that may be a stretch.
