Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Late on Christmas Eve

 yeah!!!  Gabe, Emily, Emerson, and Walt made it to UJ's...safe and sound!
They actually had a great trip...no stops through LA....just breezed right on through!

 Walt had had a bit of sleep, so he was ready to do some running around!
 Benjamin was preparing for Santa!
He had been saving some chocolates...and arranged them on a plate - for Santa...
 Then he left a place for Santa to write a note!

 He had also made this for Santa..
and left it for him.

 I absolutely love these two pictures of Emerson checking out the chimney.
Would Santa be able to get down through it?????

 This photographer got up during the middle of the night...
and SOMEONE... Santa?... had been here and filled the stockings!!!!
We'll have some excited little men in the morning!

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