Monday, June 30, 2008

Blu's 'time-out'


I was told he had had a lot of 'blog-time' here at the Johnston Chronicles.

I believe it was Biscuit who told me that.

Now while this may be true, I have to be honest and let you know that Blu, while he is a great dog, does have his times of ... well, lack of discipline.

Case in point - the beach.

Now dogs will be dogs... and when other dogs come and want to play and run amuck, well, what dog wouldn't want to do that? However, Blu's master Josh had other ideas. He did NOT want Blu to 'run amuck' with other, unknown dogs. Blu disobeyed... not good. He ended up in 'time out' - which is what this picture shows.

Notice how he is just watching Joshua? Amazingly, after he was out of his 'time-out', that 'other' dog came back, barked that he wanted to play.... and Blu just gave him the cold shoulder.

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