They're already telling secrets to each other... Benjamin was listening intently as Emerson told him something... Emerson had a plan... Benjamin wasn't telling... Emerson went back to explain a little more... unfortunately, someone, some adult, was trying to eavesdrop on the conversation... Benjamin didn't care, Emerson didn't care either. He kept telling his cousin all about it... Emerson had more to tell... I have a little insight from someone who may have been listening in...that the conversation between my two little men had to do with how fun it is to have a cousin the same age...
someone to grow up with...
someone who will always be your buddy... someone to go places with when the family is together... Yep, my two little men.
I heard...just by chance, about these shoes: I was intrigued...for every pair of shoes bought, Toms will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One! You can even select which country you want this child to be from... This is the guy who started the company...he went to school at SMU in Dallas...was on the Amazing Race...and noticed while he was in Argentina for the race, that so many kids were without shoes...
Toms was born...
and now I have a pair...
and I'm ready to get another pair, even though my new pair is about...28 hours old...they are incredibly comfortable...and I love them! and I love the whole premise of the company!
Highly recommended! Maybe my next color will be red? These are canvas, but they also come in linen...and other styles... Did I say I love my new shoes? I chose Haiti for my One for One pair to go to...
$44 for the canvas ones...that's actually $44 for 2 for me and one for a child in Haiti! Did I say I love my Toms?
This past weekend, Lindsey, Donnie, and Benjamin met Gabe, Emily, and Emerson in San Francisco. They went to the aquarium and out to eat at Bubba Gump.
THAT made me happy...not that they necessarily went to the aquarium, but that they got together...on their own.
I could only have been happier if Josh, Erica, and Thalia had been there, too! Emily, Emerson, and Gabe on Pier 39.... Lindsey and Benjamin with Alcatraz in the background... Benjamin in his daddy's baseball Bubba Gumps! I still can't figure out what Benjamin has on his feet! Gabe was letting Emerson see above the crowd! My group checking out the jellyfish... Benjamin was playing with his Aunt Emily! My boys were discussing the critters they had seen... Benjamin in a bubble... Gabe was showing Emerson the huge sea stars (commonly called Star Fish...but truly are sea stars!) "Good-bye Sea Stars! My cuz, Emerson, and I loved seeing you!"
I was a happy Mimi this weekend, having both of my little men together! Benjamin's sweet mama has become trigger happy with the camera ... just like her mama...which happens to be me. He was prepared...well, maybe not prepared, but he wasn't surprised when the camera came out. He started to pose, as he often does. We didn't even have to tell him to cross his little hands and smile at the camera...he just did it. "How's this?" Benjamin asked. We told him he was doing just fine... His mama decided to put this hat on our little guy. He was OK with it... He kept looking up at the fan...maybe because he was getting a little warm in the hat in the house...or maybe, just because he and Emerson both love to watch it whirl around. "Hey Benjamin! Look at the camera!" He started to complain about the hat...he wasn't too excited about keeping it on... We didn't realize at the time, but tooth #5 was about to break through... He decided to leave the hat on...but was wondering how much longer this photo shoot would take. "Mama?"... "I'm waiting...Mama???" Poor Benjamin, he was wondering how much longer....
Well, the hat finally came off...but a bit later, the camera came back out. We decided to show JohnstonChronicle readers some more of Benjamin's many expressions... Benjamin's feet ... I just love how he crosses them when he's sitting!