Sunday, August 04, 2013

Mimi and Abuelita at Chatuchak - August 4th

Lizbeth and I took off for Chatuchak Market today.  Joshua had to stay around the embassy...Erica wasn't too sure she wasn't getting what I had yesterday (she didn't) I decided to go to the market to look for Thai pants...and Lizbeth decided she wanted to go too!

We rode the BTS to Mo Chit...and then the crowds began.

 This guy was a riot!  He was, obviously, pushing mango rice!  He kept yelling, "MANGO RIYA"  (my translation).  So this man walks up to get one, and then poses for his wife as she takes a photo.  What I didn't get a picture of, was the man in the green shirt picking up a mango and putting it on top of his head...while the mango worker did the peace sign (as all Asians seem to do in pictures)...and they took another picture.

 Lizbeth was trying to decide on candles.  I bought some last time we were there...and just found out today that they're made from mango wood!
 Lizbeth has been wanting a backpack.  I use mine all the time and it's just so convenient and easy.  She's been on the lookout.  Today, she found one for 500 baht.  She was debating so, as usual, the man said, "for you, 450 baht"... then the new Lizbeth emerged.  She looked at me, then looked at him and said, "How about 400?"  He said yes!  I almost started clapping I was so proud of her.  I am NOT a bargainer, but need to be.  We walked about 5 steps and she started putting her stuff in it and put it on.  This was definitely a reason for a photo!
 After eating a little lunch, we had some more coconut ice cream.  This time, you chose 2 toppings.  They had 2 things I didn't have a clue what they were...2 looked like shredded carrots (I don't think that's what they were though) and the other two were peanuts (yum!) and corn.  Corn is big here.  People just sell corn... Having it on top of coconut ice cream was a new one.  It wasn't bad, but next time, if I have the same choice, I'll get double peanuts!
 I love hearing/seeing all the music being played on the streets!
 As we were walking, we heard a horn..the people started moving to each side.  Looks like it was delivery time...

 I've also seen this a couple of other times...and don't have a clue what he's making.  See the liquid?  As he pours it, he turns around in circles, pouring it like that the whole time.... interesting!
 This was interesting after just learning about the bum gun yesterday.  There was no bum gun here, but there was also no paper.  Thankfully, I have been carrying jandiwipes in my backpack...but this was a squat job...then you were suppose to use the little scoop in the green bucket and pour water in the toilet (if that's what you call it).  Not my favorite loo!
 After our squat experience, we headed back to the BTS and headed for home...
I was just talking to Lindsey this morning about all the food decided to take a couple of more photos of them.  

As seems to always be the case, it was another great day in Bangkok!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lizbeth looks just like Erica with her new backpack! Wow!